Segue 1 (Intro):
Male Voice: Minneapolis, dust, 1997, a baby boy plays in the grass. Five years old, digging in the dirt he finds 3 gold chains. They're far more interesting than his purple ball. His mother's voice calls out, "Michael come on inside, it's time for bed." but the baby's attention is focused down the street.
Vanessa: You little asshole, cut it out while I'm trying to talk.
Male Voice: Thousands of people have gathered.
Vanessa: Hello there, this is Vanessa Bartholomew live just outside Minneapolis at Prince's Paisley Park Studios. Prince and his band, the N.P.G., have embarked on yet another, what seems to be a strange, strange, bizarre career move.
Female voice (in the crowd): Uh, huh! Baby, this is going to be good!
Vanessa: In the wake of this current recession feeling in this country, and the low concert grossing of even the biggest of superstar acts, Prince and the N.P.G. have begun a series of concerts in which they perform an opera of entirely new music.
Male Voice: The baby jumps into its mother's arms.
Baby: I love you, Mama.
Mayte: Where did you get these?
Baby: Outside.
Mayte: Where? Where? In the garden?
Baby: Yeah...
Mayte: Oh, my God I can't believe this...
Baby:I'll put them back.
Mayte: No, no, it's OK. Give them to me.
Male Voice: The young mother holds the chains to her bosom and begins to remember back, back... five years ago.
"My name is Prince"
"Sexy MF"
Segue 2:
Male Voice: She's gone. I couldn't stop her. She had seven goons with her. Here, I'm supposed to give you this.
Mayte: Hello, darling. So, finally we meet. By the time you get this, I'll be strolling the streets of Cairo. Along with this visual recording of me, you now have in your possession the '3 Chains of Turin'. Please guard them with all the love inside you. They're all I have in this world, besides you.
"Love 2 the 9's"
"The morning papers"
"The Max"
Segue 3:
[Telephone rings]
Prince: Hello.
Vanessa: Hello, Prince?
Prince: Yes.
Vanessa: This is Vanessa Bartholomew.
Prince: Where have you been?
Vanessa: I've been trying to interview you now for a long time.
Prince: No?
Vanessa: You're a hard man to track down. I hope you don't mind, I'm recording our conversation... hello?
Son of a bitch hung up!
[Telephone rings]
Vanessa: Hello?
Prince: Vanessa?
Vanessa: Oh, I'm sorry about our conversation last night... I'm not recording this time. So how are you?
Prince: How are you?
Vanessa: Fine.
Prince: Fine.
Vanessa: Excuse me, but what's up with your voice?
Prince: It's a special phone, a tongue box.
Vanessa: A tongue box? Oh, like in the movie Barbarella?
Prince: Yeah, it gives me courage you know, like a veil I can hide behind. I talk at, around and through it.
Vanessa: OK, so why are you giving me an interview?
Prince: tell the truth.
Vanessa: Oh, well, I will if you will. For example, the first song of your opera...
Prince: Ah, yeah, the opera...
Vanessa: Why don't you tell me your real name?
Prince: My name is Victor.
Vanessa: That's not the truth and you know it. How old are you?
Prince: I'm into my fifth soul now, so that makes me 300...
Vanessa: Why do you pretend to be a maze?
Prince: ...and 20. I'm amazed at your beauty. I saw you on television.
Vanessa: 320, hmm, don't sweat it, honey. I'm too young for you, although rumor has it that the crown princess of Cairo is now a member of the N.P.G.?
"Blue light"
Segue 4:
Vanessa: Do you know about the '3 Chains of Turin'?
Prince: No.
Vanessa: Well, they're worth a fortune. So much so, there's a half a million reward out for the capture of the thieves. Story has that they're as old as the pyramids that possess magical powers. They seem to have brought amazing good luck to all around.
Vanessa: Are you there?
Vanessa: Do you know that the princess is 16 years old? How about this for a story: 320-year old robs the cradle. Ha, ha, what a scandal.
Prince (whispering): Scandal.
Vanessa: You know if you don't give me the real story, I'll have to make one up on my own. So why don't you tell me the truth?
[Phone hangs up]
Vanessa: Hello? That son of a bitch.
Male voice: When the princess awakens, he is gone.
"Sweet baby"
Segue 5:
N.P.G. Member Voice: Listen girl, come on here, leave that boom box here, we don't need it. Hey man! What you doing here sitting by yourself? Oh! You're still trippin' over Prince's whatever her name is. Listen man, come on and go to the party with us, hang out and things will be cool.... later, then fool.
[3 Chains o' Gold]
Mayte: They're all I have in this world...
[3 Chains o' Gold]
Mayte: ...they're all I have in this world, besides you.
"The Continental"
"Damn U"
Prince: That one's dedicated to all the lovers...
Vanessa: That was beautiful...
Prince: This one's dedicated to the whores...
Vanessa: What? You just...
[Pimprag, check - Pimprag]
Vanessa: ...just once will U talk 2 me?
[Tootsie pop, check - Tootsie pop]
Vanessa:Not at me, not around me, not through me?
[Raise your cane - cane]
Vanessa: What do you believe in?
Prince: God.
Vanessa: Who is your God?
Prince: You.
Vanessa: Is it reality or just another facade?
Prince: Ha ha ha...
Vanessa: Why are you so arrogant?
"The flow"
Segue 6:
Mayte: Imagine.... imagine (whispers)... I know those seven men killed my father and then they will come for me and the chains, they must never find them. They must never find us. If anything should happen to...
Segue 7:
Mayte: Look now into the mirror. If you are the beginning, I am the end and all things in between are reflected there end.
"And God created woman"
"3 Chains o' Gold"
Segue 8:
Prince: Happy?
Mayte: Yeah. Look, a little girl in the mirror, she's smiling.
Male Voice: And Vanessa B. is happy as well. Not, she poses the question. Once more.
Vanessa: Why don't you tell me the truth. The truth... the truth.
Michael B.: What is sacriface?
"The sacriface of Victor"